October 4, 2006
Dear Conte Collector,
As those of you who were at OTSN know, we are about to release (on or
about Dec.1st) 16 new Robert Ortiz sculpted American Civil War sets. These
sets, comprising 35 sculpts, were given rave reviews by everyone who saw them
and continue the trend towards upgrading our Civil War range with dynamic
sculpting and exceptional painting. Pictures of these 16 sets will be up on
our site in the next week or so.

An additional 15 or more ACW sets (predominately Union) look likely for Spring
07 release.
For years we have delayed the 'retirement' of ACW sets as we were continually
hearing from new dealers & collectors that they needed time to pick up our
past body of ACW product. Many dealers have been recently been urging that we
commence the retirement of older sets...we've listened.
While we are very proud of many of our earlier offerings (all wonderfully
sculpted by Ken Osen) some of these older sets are going to look less
favorable when our new offerings hit the shelves.
The 'first wave' of ACW sets to be retired are:

ACW57098: Confederate Charging Set #1 (3 figures) $59.95

ACW57099: Confederate Firing Set #2 (3 figures) $59.95

ACW57100: Union Firing Set #1 (3 figures) $56.00

ACW57101: Confederate Charging Set #2 (3 figures) $56.00

ACW57102: Confederate Firing Set #1 (3 figures) $56.00

ACW57103: Confederate Wounded Set (3 figures) $58.00

ACW57104: Confederate Flag bearer & Charging Officer $50.00

ACW57105: Union Charging Set #1 (3 figures) $56.00

ACW57107: Union Firing Set #2 (3 figures) $56.00

ACW57108: Union Wounded/ Casualty Set (3 figures) $56.00

ACW57109: Union Flagbearer Set (2 figures) $50.00

ACW57133: General John Reynolds (Mounted) $50.00
If you are interested in acquiring any of the few remaining in stock sets,
please contact us immediately as inventories are very low.
We plan to retire another 10-15 ACW sets in the first 1/2 of 07 just as soon
as the new Ortiz sculpts can take their place............
Thanks! As always, we support your trust & patronage.