I am one of those guys who likes lots
of different poses on their imaginary battlefields and therefore, I am a big
fan of having the reverse color figures included in the playsets.
However, those stupid gray guys with the Union flag and the dumb blue
guys with the Confederate flag are a problem. I solved that problem
with some pretty simple conversions. At first I thought I'd just have
to throw the cannibalized correct color flagbearer figures away, but then I
realized they could be reshaped into casualties.

I had so much fun with the flagbearers,
I went to work on some charging guys, just switching hats and heads. If you
like converting...there are tons of possibilities with these figures.
I wonder if Gary Dutko* has done any work with these guys?

*Gary Dutko is perhaps the King
of Conte conversions. You'll often see his WWII or Zulu war
conversions for sale on eBay. |